From:                     Doug Cannon

Sent:                      Friday, December 17, 1999 12:54 AM

To:                         Research Division-Redmond Only (ALL)

Subject:                 2nd warning! Servers will be "locked", please read!  Additional information.

Only 15 days left to the end of the Year!


As we prepare to enter the final year of the millennium, we believe we need to prepare for the havoc that may occur as a result of viruses and other malicious programs.  To counter potential virus attacks over this significant New Year holiday, ITG and MSRSupp will restrict our primary servers to read only as per the following:


Starting the morning of Thursday, 30 Dec 1999 and ending the evening of Monday, 03 January 2000 (local time):  All ITG-managed and MSRSupp managed file servers not on our exclusion list will be switched to "read only" mode.


The only exception to this (so far) will be \\atr\anamation, as the Graphic group will keep working to meet the SIGGRAPH deadline in January.


How will this impact you?  

Almost all the <\\research\root> directories and other servers and shares related to our group will be read-only.  This will affect VSS, SLM and file server shares for many if not all users.  Data can be read, but nothing can be written or saved back to the original location. 


If this will negatively affect you, projects you work on, or any other aspect of you work please contact Doug Cannon <mailto://dougcan> to get the server/share you need access to, added to our exclusion list.  The deadline for us to get exclusions to ITG for our servers is December 15th, so please contact us regarding exclusions immediately.


Y2K Compliance

This is also a great time to insure your computers are ready for the Year 2000, please go to the following web pages for information and upgrades to your systems to insure Y2K compliance.

Desktop: <http://itgweb/y2k/desktop/>

Overall: <http://itgweb/y2k/>


Virus Update - Required for Network access from Thursday, 30 Dec 1999 through the evening of Monday, 03 January 2000.


You must have the latest version and signature files of Inoculan or Notion AntiVirus installed on your machine in order to gain access to the Corporate and Research network during the "lock down" period.  You can check to see if you have the latest version and signature flies by checking the web site at: http://itgweb/virus.


If you have any questions, please let us know

Your MSR support team.
